It’s that time of year again. When bargain hunters hit the streets searching for that perfect discount. While these eagle-eyed shoppers are active throughout the year, post-Black Friday deals are their time to shine. No, we’re not talking about your coupon-cutting grandmother or your fanatical aunt who camps out for the latest holiday item. We’re talking about porch pirates, thieves who exploit a weakness in the delivery process. Those people who wait for the UPS man to drop your package off, and then apply the five-finger discount, walking away with whatever you just had delivered.
Of course porch piracy is nothing new. This has been an on-going issue for customers, route drivers, department stores, and Internet retailers for years. Law enforcement officers are responding to this thievery-bonanza – and coming down hard on anyone they catch.
Officers in Rancho Cordova have begun setting up “dummy” packages armed with GPS that can track thieves brazen – and foolish enough – to pick them up. Homeowners have installed sophisticated camera systems that allow police to ID individuals much quicker. Needless to say, there are considerably more hurdles for potential porch pirates to overcome than in years past. If caught, thieves could face a variety of punishments – from community service, to fines and even jail time.
So, let this be a warning. Your odds of successfully walking away with Santa’s stash have been greatly diminished. A recent scene in Southern California showed this for a fact. Three people were taken into custody after stealing from mailboxes in Laguna Hills. They led police on a chase through Orange and Los Angeles Counties. The driver of the car is being charged with grand theft.
If you are charged with theft of any kind, contact the criminal defense team at the Law Office of Michael L. Guisti. We can help build a defense that will keep you out of trouble in 2016.
You can reach us at (888) 478-8999.