“If there is one characteristic that defines me, it is my belief in human dignity, my belief that my client's life is just as important now as it was on the day they were born.” - Michael Guisti

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Domestic Violence | Orange County Criminal Defense Blog

Responding to a Domestic Violence Restraining Order

By Michael Guisti on July 29, 2020

The interpersonal relations of spouses, sexual partners, and families can become heavily charged with emotion and stress during economic and civil unrest. In some cases, this culminates in domestic abuse and violence—but there are always two sides to each story. Domestic violence restraining orders are not always distributed fairly, and they may be unjustly enforced if a defendant does not have a strong legal defense or is unaware of the requirements of the order.

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Posted in: Domestic Violence

Recognize the Signs of Domestic Violence

By Michael Guisti on June 27, 2017

Domestic violence can happen to anyone, regardless of sex, gender identity, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. In addition, anyone can be an abuser, no matter their cultural or economic background.

Victims of abuse may not always be forthcoming about what they are going through, so being able to recognize abuse can be helpful to you and your loved ones. Read the rest »

Posted in: Domestic Violence

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