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Home blog Sex Crimes US Marine Arrested on Suspicion of Sexual Assault in the OC

US Marine Arrested on Suspicion of Sexual Assault in the OC

By Michael Guisti on August 8, 2017

handcuffs-2102488_1280The OC Register recently reported that a US Marine Corps sergeant was arrested after a sexual assault allegation. The assault was said to have occurred during his stint as a volunteer for Marina High School’s track and field team.

A young woman (who was 17 years old at the time) alleges that Gonzalo Castro, a San Clemente resident, took advantage of their “coach–athlete relationship” and assaulted her on an off-campus run. Castro was on active duty at the time and also worked as a Marine recruiter at Ocean View High school.

As a reminder, California Penal Code 243.4 prohibits touching the intimate parts of another person for sexual gratification, arousal, or abuse. If the victim is under 18 at the time, that makes it a more serious crime.

Probable Cause?

According to Huntington Beach police department spokeswoman Angela Bennett, “Once the victim reported the crime, detectives … immediately initiated and actively investigated the case.”

Castro was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault of a minor without incident and later posted bond. The police declined to comment on the alleged offense or any evidence. This could mean that there wasn’t probable cause; however, certain circumstances made the allegation seem reasonable, at least to the police officers.

The case is ongoing and anyone with information is encouraged to contact Detective Anthony Pham at (714) 536-5973. Anonymous tips can also be sent to the Orange County Crime Stoppers.

Innocent or Guilty, You Need a Lawyer

Regardless of the end result, this case exemplifies why it’s important to have a good lawyer (on both sides). On one hand, Castro was arrested on suspicion and not incident. This means that there technically may not be proof. While this doesn’t necessarily mean it was a false allegation, a good lawyer would be able to use this to Castro’s advantage.

Emotions run high on both sides of sexual assault allegations, and unfortunately, just a few words can wreck a man’s life.

If you or a loved one has been charged with sexual assault, it’s important to find legal representation as soon as possible. We at the Law Office of Michael L. Guisti have experience with sexual assault cases and know how to make sure your rights are respected. For a free consultation, don’t hesitate to call us at (888) 478-8999.

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Posted in: Sex Crimes

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