Even everyday honest, hardworking, and law-abiding citizens make the mistake of getting behind the wheel after one too many drinks. It may have occurred after a company party or just a night out with the family. Whatever the case may be, these are people who’ve lead a relatively crime-free existence. In many instances, these people wake up the next morning regretting their terrible decision and don’t do it again.
Unfortunately, for every one of the one-time offenders out there, there are just as many folks who choose to repeat this deadly decision. This was the case with the twice convicted drunk driver who killed a elderly woman who was watching a fireworks display with her grandson.
As reported by KTLA 5, the accident occurred in San Clemente back in September. A 76-year old grandmother was hit while watching a fireworks show with her 12-year old grandson near El Camino Real. The driver, a 47-year old woman, fled the scene following the accident and was arrested in her home a short time later. Her blood alcohol level was .31 percent at the time of her arrest.
The woman had previous DUI convictions in Las Vegas. She’s been sentenced to one felony count of murder and driving under the influence. Because her blood alcohol level was double the legal limit, she was subject to a sentencing enhancement by the Orange County District Attorneys Office.
Remember – if you have been arrested for DUI and you have previous convictions, you need to get legal representation as soon as possible. The Law Office of Michael L. Guisti has years of experience helping people just like you and we know the challenges you face.
Contact us at (888) 478-8999.
Source: http://ktla.com/2015/11/20/2-time-dui-driver-sentenced-in-hit-and-run-murder-of-oc-woman-watching-fireworks-with-grandson/