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Home blog In the News How Can You Protect Yourself from Fraud? When Should You Retain a Lawyer?

How Can You Protect Yourself from Fraud? When Should You Retain a Lawyer?

By Michael Guisti on June 10, 2019

adult-blur-camera-598917The headlines surrounding actor Jussie Smollett shed light on the difficulties surrounding an accusation of fraud. Smollett’s case triggered a firestorm of reactions from celebrities and the public, initially due to outrage over the assault, quickly followed by shock and more outrage when accusations that the assault had been orchestrated by Smollett himself surfaced. What actually occurred remains uncertain, but the actor has already experienced life-changing consequences, and his reputation may be permanently destroyed.

While Mr. Smollett is innocent until proven guilty, it appears judgment has been passed – and the case has yet to go to court.

Just an Accusation Can Cause Irreparable Damage to Your Reputation.

What should you do if you are accused of a fraudulent act? When should you retain a lawyer? Accusations of fraud are no minor legal matter, and a conviction can carry heavy penalties: both incarceration and fines. What if you are innocent? We hope you will never find yourself in a situation similar to Mr. Smollett, but as is clear in his case, just an accusation can destroy your reputation.

While Mr. Smollett is innocent until proven guilty, and adamantly asserts that none of what is alleged is true, he is currently experiencing what many others in the same position have experienced – being judged by the public at large.

Most fraud is less dramatic, but no less stressful for the accused. The charges of fraud most commonly filed include consumer fraud, credit card fraud, embezzlement, identity theft, insurance fraud, mail fraud, insider trading, tax evasion, bank fraud, and money laundering. Many high-profile, respected professionals, such as accountants, face total destruction of a career if convicted. The first action to take is to retain a lawyer – before speaking to any other person, even a friend or family member, about your situation.

The Quality of Your Legal Representation Matters.

If you are facing charges of fraud, or are currently the target of an investigation, you may believe that you will be best served by being open, helpful, and agreeing to an interview with state or federal investigators without a lawyer. This is a very bad decision. Never agree to speak with investigators without ensuring your attorney is present to protect your rights and interests.

Many cases of fraud are filed in federal court, rather than state court. Your attorney must have experience defending cases filed in federal court and be familiar with the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and how they could impact a conviction. We are prepared to devote the necessary time to develop a truly compelling defense.

Why Choose the Law Office of Michael L. Guisti?

If you are facing charges of fraud, we urge you to contact the Law Office of Michael L. Guisti at once. The sooner we get involved in protecting your rights, the better. A successful defense requires an understanding of what the prosecutor is attempting, a full evaluation of the facts that led to the charges, and assistance from private investigators, forensic accountants, and other professionals to present your side of the story in the most convincing manner possible. A wrongfully accused person can be convicted, and spend years in prison. It is imperative that you are protected by a powerful, talented defense lawyer. Call the Law Office of Michael L. Guisti as your first step.

Aggressive, professional, and known for winning difficult cases, Mr. Guisti is among the most respected fraud defense attorneys in Orange County. To reach his office, call (714) 530-9690 or toll-free (888) 478-8999 today.

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